Vol. 51 No. 2 (2022): Večjezičnost v folklori / Multilingualism in Folklore

					View Vol. 51 No. 2 (2022): Večjezičnost v folklori / Multilingualism in Folklore

Volume Editors: Marija Klobčar and Urša Šivic

This issue of Traditiones focuses on revealing and interpreting cross-linguistic song connections in their contextual settings. The authors, Hana Urbancová, Ameneh Youssefzadeh, Marjeta Pisk, Mojca Ravnik, Marija Klobčar, Mojca Kovačič, and Urša Šivic, examine song and music practices in various multilingual communities, some with a focus on border areas. Through historical analysis and contemporary reflections, they reveal characteristics that highlight not only the diversity of the examined social contexts but also the different expressing possibilities of bilingual songs. These questions transcend local and temporal contexts, opening new horizons for folklore studies.

Cover image: Singing and music at the parish fair in Göriach/Gorje in the Gail Valley in Austrian Carinthia, September 15, 2019 (GNI ZRC SAZU Archive, Ljubljana).

Published: 19.01.2023