Semantic and distributional features of Slovene koli-pronouns
negative polarity items, free choice items, semantic scope, alternatives, indefinitenessAbstract
The paper outlines the core semantic and distributional characteristics of the Slovene koli-pronouns. The analysis of a sample from the reference corpus Gigafida 2.0 shows that koli-pronouns are both negative polarity items (NPIs) and free choice items (FCIs). In the scope of downward entailing operators, koli-pronouns adopt characteristics of NPIs and existential quantifiers. In non-downward-entailing environments, these pronouns behave as FCIs. If they outscope modal operators, they adopt features of universal quantifiers, creating the free choice effect. In the scope of modal operators or in non-modal contexts, they adopt features of existential quantifiers, highlighting the fact that the speaker is either oblivious or indifferent to the identity of the referent. Koli-pronouns can also introduce free relative clauses that function as definite descriptions of sets of individuals or situations. The usage of free relative clauses with an introductory koli-pronoun requires contexts that allow for the existence of at least two potential referents matching the description in the relative clause.
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- 2023-03-27 (2)
- 2021-10-13 (1)
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