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Terminology versus general lexis: determinologization and lexicographic and user related dilemmas


  • Mojca Žagar Karer ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Slovenia
  • Nina Ledinek



terminology, general lexis, terminological dictionary, general explanatory dictionary, determinologization, dictionary users


In this paper, we focus on the differences between terminographic and lexicographic work and present the main conceptual assumptions in which terminological and general explanatory dictionaries differ. We address determinologization and discuss some of the problems of describing lexemes that have the status of terms in their field of expertise but have also become established in texts intended for a wide range of readers. We also address the dilemmas users face when interpreting information in terminological and general explanatory dictionaries, noting that it is crucial that users become aware of the differences between the various types of linguistic handbooks and then ensure that linguistic information in handbooks is presented as clearly as possible, especially when multiple handbooks are presented in one place, e.g. on the dictionary portal. In this sense, we suggest that Slovene general explanatory dictionaries such as eSSKJ have, besides normative explanations. where appropriate, also a specific terminological explanation, in which users are made aware of important differences in the use of terms in general in technical language.


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Author Biography

Nina Ledinek

Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša


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2021-10-12 — Updated on 2023-03-27


How to Cite

Žagar Karer, M., & Ledinek, N. (2023). Terminology versus general lexis: determinologization and lexicographic and user related dilemmas. Slovenski Jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies, 13. (Original work published October 12, 2021)


