Nomenclatural remarks to the classifcation of plant communites along post-fire succession


  • Ali Kavgaci
  • Urban Šilc
  • Saime Basaran
  • Aleksander Marinšek
  • Mehmet Ali Basaran
  • Petra Košir
  • Neslihan Balpinar
  • Münevver Arslan
  • Özge Denli
  • Andraž Čarni


Pinus brutia, Turkey, International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature, typifcation


This paper contains the original diagnoses of new syntaxa and typifcations of
existing names of syntaxa from paper “Classification of plant communities along
post-fire succession in Pinus brutia stands in southern Antalya (Turkey)” that
was published in Turkish Journal of Botany. As journal has only on-line version
according to ICPN descriptions are not valid. We described syntaxa: Eryngio
falcati-Securigerion securidacae all. nova, Ajugo chiae-Lactucetum serriolae ass.
nova, Phlomido grandiflorae-Cistetum salvifolii ass. nova, and Arbuto andrachnes-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova and selected nomenclatural type for Querco-Phillyreetum mediae Barbero & Quézel 1976.


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Barbero, M. & Quézel, P. 1976: Les groupements forestiers de Grece Centro - Méridionale. Ecologia Mediterranea 2: 3-86.

Davis, P.H. 1965-1985: Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 1-9, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Güner, A. (ed.) 2012: Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi. İstanbul, TR: ANG/Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi (in Turkish).

Kavgacı, A., Šilc, U., Bașaran, S., Marinšek, A., Bașaran, M.A., Košir, P., Balpinar, N., Arslan, M., Denli, Ö. & Čarni, A. 2017: Classification of plant communities along post-fire succession in Pinus brutia stands in southern Antalya (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany 41: 299-307.

Weber, H. E., Moravec, J. & Theurillat, J.P. 2000: International code of phytosociological nomenclature. 3rd edition. Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 739-768.




How to Cite

Kavgaci, A., Šilc, U., Basaran, S., Marinšek, A., Basaran, M. A., Košir, P., Balpinar, N., Arslan, M., Denli, Özge, & Čarni, A. (2018). Nomenclatural remarks to the classifcation of plant communites along post-fire succession. Hacquetia, 16(2). Retrieved from




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