trampled habitat, Polygono-Poëtea annuae, Stellarietea mediae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, wheel track, vegetation, Prekmurje, SloveniaAbstract
The work deals with the vegetation growing along and on roads, footpaths and wheel tracks in the Prekmurje region. The author concludes that the communities appearing in these habitats can be classified into several syntaxa. The most characteristic associations are classified into the class Polygono-Poëtea annuae. On less trampled sites one can find also the communities that are otherwise partly adapted to trampling, however, they are classified into other syntaxonomic units, for example into the alliance Sisymbrion or Malvion (both from the class Stellarietea mediae) or into the alliance Plantagini-Prunellion from the class Molinio-Arrhentheretea. The following plant communities were established Matricarietum discoideae-recutitae Jarolímek et al. 1997 (Malvion neglectae), Polygono arenastri-Lepidietum ruderalis Mucina 1993 (Sisymbrion) and Poëtum annuae Felföldy 1942 (Polygono-Poëtea annuae) and Prunello vulgaris-Ranunculetum repentis Winterhoff 1963 (Molinio- Arrhenatheretea).
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