Hacquetia https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia <p><em>Hacquetia</em> is a science journal, founded in 2002, bearing on Taxonomy, Floristics, Faunistic, Vegetation ecology, Biocoenology and Palynology with a geographical focus on Southeastern Europe, although more general topics from all over the world are also invited.</p> <p>Print ISSN: 1581-4661<br />Online ISSN: 1854-9829</p> ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC en-US Hacquetia 1581-4661 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Authors guarantee that the work is their own original creation and does not infringe any statutory or common-law copyright or any proprietary right of any third party. In case of claims by third parties, authors commit their self to defend the interests of the publisher, and shall cover any potential costs.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">More in: <a href="https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/prispevki">Submission chapter</a></span></p> New checklist and the red list of the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) and liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Slovenia https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13711 <p>The new Checklist of hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) and liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Slovenia within current political boundaries comprises 180 species, additional 4 subspecies and 2 varietes. Additional 5 species are denoted by a question mark since reports are considered questionable. An alphabetical arranged tabular presentation of genera, species and lower taxa, also shows their presence in particular phytogeographical units of Slovenia. The records from the periods before and after 1958 are marked with different symbols. Each species has also new Red List status in Slovenia. The checklist includes the data from literature and Herbarium LJU. Annotations to selected species give a critical evaluation of the literature and herbarium data. A list of taxa that should be excluded from the flora of Slovenia, the synonyms and the&nbsp; literature with floristic data, not cited in this article, are also added.</p> Andrej Martinčič Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-26 2024-05-26 23 2 175 198 Three moss novelties in the flora of North Macedonia https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13707 <p>Three moss species are recorded for the first time in the Republic of North Macedonia. These are <em>Brachytheciastrum dieckei, </em>&nbsp;<em>Kiaeria starkei </em>and<em> Orthotrichum schimperi.</em> The details on records are given including distribution, georeferences and ecology.</p> Beáta Papp Jovana P. Pantović Erzsébet Szurdoki Marko Sabovljević Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 23 2 199 202 Habitat preference of the endangered species Iris sintenisii subsp. brandzae (Prodán) D. A. Webb & Chater (Iridaceae Juss.) in Romania https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13485 <p><em>Iris brandzae</em> is one of the most threatened plant species in Romania. The current distribution of this species is very fragmented, and the population size has been reduced in the last 30 years. Information on the habitat preferences of the species has not been summarized yet. In this context, this study aimed to identify the habitat preferences of the species <em>I. brandzae</em> in Romania. The study was carried out in the NE (Moldova) and SE (Muntenia) regions of Romania. For the vegetation analysis, a total of 46 relevés were used. To classify the vegetation, we applied the hierarchical agglomerative clustering method, using the ß-flexible algorithm with ß = -0.25 and the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. The data were represented as mean percentage values, according to the the Braun-Blanquet scale . Relationships between floristic composition and environmental variables were analyzed with Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) . The vegetation analysis showed that <em>I. brandzae</em> grows in xerophilous, mesophilous and halophilous grasslands and ash-alpine alluvial forests. The species occurs in the communities of the <em>Stipion lessingianae</em> alliance, of the <em>Festucetalia</em> <em>valesiacae</em> order, mainly. The results of the CCA analysis indicate that the variation of the floristic composition of <em>I</em>. <em>brandzae</em> is influenced by the annual mean temperature (BIO1).</p> Simona Dumitrița Chirilă Kiril Vassilev Alexandru Sabin Bădărău Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-02-09 2024-02-09 23 2 203 212 Discovering hidden treasures: unveiling a new population of the narrow endemic Hieracium lucidum Guss. (Asteraceae) on the Mounts of Palermo (NW Sicily, Italy) https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13608 <p>The authors discovered a new population of <em>Hieracium lucidum</em> Guss., a species hitherto considered strictly endemic to Monte Gallo. Useful elements for the ecological characterisation of the new population are provided. The stretch of carbonate coastline between the Egadi Islands and the western portion of the Province of Palermo displays a very high wealth of valuable floristic elements and represents a unicum in terms of both phytogeography and ecology. Considering the extreme fragmentation of the distribution pattern of many endemic and exclusive species that characterise this district, as in the case of <em>H. lucidum</em>, the authors suggest upgrading the strategies to protect the local botanical heritage, going beyond the species approach and thinking on a wider territorial scale.</p> Salvatore Pasta Alessandro Silvestre Gristina Corrado Marcenò Leopoldo De Simone Giuseppe Garfì Gabriele Giacalone Vincenzo Ilardi Gregor Kozlowski Leonardo Scuderi Riccardo Guarino Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-15 2024-04-15 23 2 213 220 The family Bignoniaceae in Tunisia, first survey including new floristic records to North Africa with nomenclatural notes https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/12517 <p>Botanical surveys carried out during the last 13 years throughout central and northern Tunisia (North Africa) allow to find first national and continental N-African records of non-native taxa belonging to Bignoniaceae. The genera <em>Catalpa</em>, <em>Podranea</em>, and <em>Tecomaria</em> are new for N-Africa (<em>Catalpa</em> is new for the whole Africa). <em>Tecomaria capensis</em> is here considered as a naturalized alien species, whereas <em>Campsis radicans</em>, <a href="http://alienplantsbelgium.be/content/catalpa-0"><em>Catalpa</em></a><em> bignonioides</em>, <em>Jacaranda mimosifolia</em>, <em>Podranea brycei</em>,<em> P. ricasoliana</em>, and <em>Tecoma stans</em> are casuals. Distribution in Tunisia, phenology, and original photographs are provided for each species. A diagnostic key for Tunisian Bignoniaceae is also given. Moreover, the name <em>Tecoma ricasoliana</em> (basionym of <em>Podranea ricasoliana</em>) is lectotypified on a specimen preserved at FI (isolectotypes at FI and K), whereas the holotype indication of the name <em>Bignonia capensis </em>(basionym of <em>Tecomaria capensis</em>), made in <em>Flora of Tropical East Africa</em>, is here corrected according to the Art. 9.10 of <em>Shenzhen Code</em> (lectotype at UPS; isolectotype, here reported for the first time, at LD).</p> Ridha El Mokni Duilio Iamonico Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 23 2 221 238 Comparative morphometric and morphological study of the pollen of Beta trigyna, B. vulgaris and B. vulgaris subsp. maritima (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae sensu APG IV) https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13205 <p>Pollen morphology of <em>Beta trigyna</em>, <em>B. vulgaris </em>and <em>B. vulgaris</em> subsp. <em>maritima</em>, last of those studied for the first time, was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy, based on 10 herbarium specimens. The aim of the study was to provide detailed data on the pollen characteristics of these taxa to identify similarities and differences between them. Pollen grains are pantoporate, spheroidal, circular in outline; small- and medium-sized. Exine sculpture is nanoechinate, tectum is psilate or psilate-perforate. Pore membranes are nanoechinate. Diagnostic relevance of the characters of pollen grains is discussed (pollen and pore diameters, distance between pores and between pore centres, nanoechini size and density, number of nanoechini on pore membranes, structure of columellae). UPGMA dendrograms based on palynological data support the differentiation of <em>B. trig</em><em>yna</em> (section Corollinae), <em>B.</em><em> vulgaris</em> and <em>B. vulgaris</em> subsp. <em>maritima </em>(section Beta). The obtained characteristics of pollen grains of <em>Beta</em> species can be used in spore-pollen analysis, especially in identifying the impact of human economic activity in the past.</p> Zoya M. Tsymbalyuk Daniella Ivanova Lyudmila M. Nitsenko Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 23 2 239 252 Successional development of shrub-woody vegetation on natural river banks along certain watercourses in the Julian Alps and their foothills (western Slovenia and northeastern Italy) https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13715 <p>We conducted a phytosociological survey of pioneer shrub and shrub-wood (brushwood) communities on river banks at the contact of gravel bars and rockfall, slope debris or colluvium in the spring area of the Nadiža River, in the gorge of the Soča River between Srpenica and Kobarid (Log Čezsoški and Magozd), in the Tolminka valley, and in certain other locations in the hills of western Slovenia. We identified a successional sequence of two grey willow and hop hornbeam communities, which we classify into the associations <em>Salicetum eleagno-appendiculatae</em> (<em>S</em><em>alicion eleagno-daphnoidis</em>) and <em>Peucedano verticillari-Ostryetum carpinifoliae </em>(<em>Fraxino orni-Ostryion</em>). Both are indicators of natural river banks that have not been artificially stabilized. We expanded the knowledge of hop hornbeam communities in the pre-Alpine–northern-Dinaric part of Slovenia with a description of a new association <em>Scopolio carniolicae-Ostryetum</em> <em>carpinifoliae</em>. Its sites are characterised by slightly moist soil, and its stands by a higher proportion of species of the alliance <em>Tilio-Acerion</em>.</p> Igor Dakskobler Copyright (c) 2024 ZRC-SAZU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 23 2 253 348