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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors confirm that they are the authors of the submitting article, which is under is under consideration to be published (print and online) in journal Arheološki vestnik by Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
  • All authors have seen and approved the paper being submitted.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor it is under consideration in another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Upon publishing an article in a journal the authors agree to license non-exclusive copyrights to ZRC SAZU (Založba ZRC): they retain the copyright in the scope that enables them to continue to use their work, even by publishing it in one of the personal or institutional repositories before the publication of the article in the journal.
  • Authors consent to publication of their works under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  • Permission has been obtained for the use (in printed and electronic format) of copyrighted material from other sources, including online sources. Restrictions on the transfer of copyright on this material will be clearly indicated.
  • All the necessary permits to work with people have been obtained in the research related to the article (in accordance with the applicable laws and institutional guidelines and approved by the relevant institutions).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal section.

Author Guidelines

Before submitting an article, please read the details on the journal’s focus and scope, peer-review process, publication frequency, history, and open-access policy. This information is available in the editorial policies.

1. Types of articles
Only original research articles and reviews are accepted. Articles should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles should cover subjects of interest within the journal’s scope.

2. The articles
Research articles must contain the following elements:
– Title: this should be clear, short, and has to reflects appropriately the topic of discussion.
– Information about author(s): submit names (without academic titles), affiliation and email addresses.
– Abstract: Introduce clear the topic by presenting the starting points, the type of researches performed and the results obtained. It should contain one or two sentences of conclusions. The maximum length is 1000 characters including spaces.
– Keywords: include up to eight informative keywords. Start with the country or region, chronological framework and end with subjects of the research.
– Main text: limit the text of the article to 125,000 characters including spaces and without the reference list and illustrative material. Divide the article into sections with short, clear subtitles. Use only three levels of subsections.
– Acknowledgement: use when relevant.
– Summary: to be translated into Slovenian. Each chapter should be summarized in a few sentences (starting points, type of researches and analyses, results, discussion, and conclusions) with references to illustrative material. Limit article summary to 30% of the body text. The journal provides translations into Slovenian.
– Reference list: see the guidelines below.
– List of illustrations with captions: see the guidelines below.

3. Article submission
Author(s) must submit their contributions in digital formats to the editor-in-chief (

3.1 Main text
This should be submitted as an MS Word .doc or .docx or .rtf file without embedded illustrations and captions. The (approximate) places of figures, tables and other type of illustration should be marked and highlighted (e.g. Fig. 7).
Use plain text, with sparing use of bold and italics.
Do not use formatting or arrangement in columns, neither tabulators.
Do not use auto-formatting, such as section or list numbering and bullets.

3.2 Language
Articles are published in Slovene, English, German or Italian language.
All articles should have English and Slovenian abstracts and keywords, and the summary for translation into Slovenian.
The journal provides translations into Slovenian, as well as English proof-reading. If the text submitted has been translated or already checked, the name of the translator or the language editor should be stated.

4. Citations
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also stated in the reference list (and vice versa). References should be cited either in footnotes or in the body of the text in brackets.
The citation should state the last name of the author(s) and the year, separate individual citations with semicolons, order the quotes according to year, and separate the page information from the name of the author(s) and year information with a comma (e.g. Pleterski, Vuga 1987; Pleterski 1988).
For direct citations should state the page(s) (e.g. Ciglenečki 1992, 57–60 or 57 ff) and illustration number (e.g. Toškan 2018, 471, Fig. 2: 4; Tab. 2).
For sources with four or more authors, list only the first followed by et al.: (Istenič et al. 2011).

4.1 Works cited list
Full references should be submitted as an extra MS Word .doc or .docx or .rtf file. Arrange references alphabetically and then chronologically.
Do not use abbreviations for journals/series.
Identify more than one reference by the same author(s) in the same year with the letters a, b, c, etc., after the year of publication: (Istenič 2009a; 2009b; 2009c).
Examples for citing publications are given below.

4.2 Citing articles in journals
PLETERSKI, A., D. VUGA 1987, Rimski grobovi pri Sv. Mihaelu v Iški vasi (Die römischen Gräber bei der Kirche des Sv. Mihael in Iška vas). – Arheološki vestnik 38, 137–160. (e. g. for articles with the summary in another language)
ISTENIČ, J. 2005, Brooches of the Alesia group in Slovenia / Fibule skupine Alesia v Sloveniji. – Arheološki vestnik 56, 187–212. (e.g. for bilingual articles)
ISTENIČ et al. 2011 = ISTENIČ, J., L. KOSEC, S. PEROVŠEK, M. GOSAR, A. NAGODE 2011, Research on a laddered chape from a Late La Tène scabbard with an openwork fitment from the River Ljubljanica / Raziskave lestvičastega okova poznolatenske nožnice s predrtim okrasom iz Ljubljanice pri Bevkah. – Arheološki vestnik 62, 317–337. (e.g. for articles of more than three authors)

4.3 Citing monographs
CIGLENEČKI, S. 1992, Pólis Norikón. Poznoantične višinske utrdbe med Celjem in Brežicami. – Podsreda. (e. g. for an individual book not published in a series should state the place of publication).
BOŽIČ, D. 2008, Late La Tène-Roman cemetery in Novo mesto. Ljubljanska cesta and Okrajno glavarstvo. Studies on fibulae and relative chronology of the Late La tène period / Poznolatenskorimsko grobišče v Novem mestu. Ljubljanska cesta in Okrajno glavarstvo. Študije o fibulah in o relativni kronologiji pozne latenske dobe. – Katalogi in monografije 39. (e. g. for bilingual or multilingual monographs in a series)

4.4 Citing articles in monographs or proceedings
GUŠTIN, M., A. TOMAŽ, B. KAVUR 2005, Drulovka pri Kranju (Revision of the archaeological material from Drulovka near Kranj). – In: Prvi poljedelci. Savska skupina lengyelske kulture / First farmers. The Sava group ofthe Lengyel culture, Annales Mediterranea, 37–63. (e.g. for articles with the summary in another language published in bilingual monographs)
GLEIRSCHER, P. 2008, Menschen- und Tieropfer aus der Durezza-Schachthöhle über Warmbad Villach. – In: E. Lauermann, P. Trebsche (eds.), Heiligtümer der Druiden. Opfer und Rituale bei den Kelten, 142–153, Asparn, Zaya. (e.g. for articles in proceedings)

4.5 Citing unpublished expert reports, theses, and dissertations
BOŽIČ, D. 1992, Mokronoška skupina latenske kulture v poznolatenskem obdobju. – PhD thesis, Oddelek za arheologijo, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (unpublished).
VERBIČ, T. 2008, Poročilo o geološkem in pedološkem pregledu lokacije arheoloških izkopavanj ob vojašnici v Vipavi. (Unpublished report, archives ZVKDS, OE Nova Gorica).

4.6 Citing online material with authors and titles
NOVŠAK, M., L. ORENGO, P. FLUZIN, B. DJURIĆ 2006, Trnava. – Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 2 ( (e.g. for online editions only)

PETRU, S. 2018, Identity and fear – burials in the Upper Palaeolithic. – Documenta Praehistorica 45, 6–13. (DOI: 10.4312\dp.45.1) (e.g. for the article accessible online with DOI)

4.7 Citing online (e.g. epigraphic) databases
EDH = Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. [2012-10-19].
lupa = UBI ERAT LUPA – Roman Stone Monuments, CHC – Archäometrie und Cultural Heritage Computing, Universität Salzburg. [2012-10-19].
ARKAS = Arheološki kataster Slovenije, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo. [2012-10-19].
RKD = Register nepremične kulturne dediščine, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS. [2012-10-19].

4.8 Citing cartographic sources
For copyrighted cartographic material from other sources (i. e. digital elevation model, airborne or satellite image, cadastral or topographical map etc.), the source must be stated in the caption of the illustration. Example: (Source: GURS©1999, D 05/27: Vrhnika)

5 Illustrative material

Only digitally prepared illustrative material (tables, graphs, drawings, sketches, plans, photographs, maps and plates) is accepted. The material digitally prepared at the Institute of Archaeology, ZRC SAZU, will not be made available to the author.

Illustrative material (regardless of type) should be submitted in extra files and not embedded in the main text! This also applies to tables and graphs made in MS Word or Excel.

Number all files and name uniformly. Example: Author_Fig_01 or Author_Pl_01.

Illustrations attached to the article should be referred in the text using the following abbreviations given in italic: Fig. (figure), Pl. (plate), Tab. (table) (e.g. Figs. 2: 4,5; 3; 4; Pl. 12: 1; 13: 2,3,8; 16; Tab. 1).

The location of an illustration in the text should be marked.

5.1 Sizes

All illustrative materials must be adapted to the journal’s format. Illustrations should be exactly 160 mm wide (one page) or 120 mm or 76.5 mm wide (one column), and the height limit is 230 mm.

5.2 Captions

The list of illustration with captions should either be added at the end of the text or in an extra file.

The number of illustration and the text are separated by a colon, and the caption ends with a dot.

The captions should state illustration content (provenance, material, scale, sources).


Fig. 2: Vrhnika – Stara pošta. Location of the archaeological excavations marked on a cadastral map. Scale = 1:2500. (Map source: GURS©1999, D 05/27: Vrhnika)

Fig. 4: The building inscription of Augustus and Tiberius (CIL III 10768 = AIJ 170a = ILJug 303 = RINMS 34).

Pl. 15: Strmec above Bela Cerkev. Cemetery Košak B, Grave 1. 1,3 iron; 2 iron and bronze. Scale 1,2 = 1:2; 3 = 1:4.

Tab. 1: Representation of individual large mammalian taxa in the material from Grublje, acquired during the excavations of 2008. Number of Identified Specimens; NISP, and the Minimum Number of Individuals; MNI, are given. Abbreviation: CsCc – Caprinae s. Capreolus capreolus.

5.3 Tables and graphs
Tables and graphs should be prepared in a size appropriate for publication.

Margins and lines in tables should not be thinner than 0,2pt and not thicker than 0,5pt.

Font size should be at least 8pt. Lengthy text within tables and graphs is preferably replaced with short labels (numbers, letters, abbreviations or symbols) with explanations in the caption.

Graphs should be made in digital form using Excel on separate sheets and accompanied by data.

5.4 Maps and plans

Maps and plans should include a scale (graphic); ground plans should also include the north point.

The legend should preferably be saved in a separate file for the purpose of a translation into Slovenian.

Font size of letters and numbers should not be smaller than 5.5pt. Use Times New Roman font.

Assistant layers/maps (topographic map, land cadastre, digital elevation model, ortophoto, lidar image, satellite image, etc.) should come with their source and copyrights cited in the caption (see above the example of citing cartographic sources).

Maps and plans can be made in both digital vector form or in digital raster form.

For vector maps/plans, two separate files should be prepared: the original file (preferable in an older program version, e.g. 2012) and a raster image (.jpg format) showing the final version of the illustration.
For maps/plans made with ArcGIS with raster layers used next to vector layers (e.g., .tif of relief, airborne or satellite image), three files should be submitted: the first with a vector image together with a legend (export in .eps format), the second with a raster background (export in .tif format, in CMYK colour mode for colour images), and the third with all of the content (vector and raster elements) together showing the final version of the illustration (export in .jpg format).

Lines should not be thinner than 0.2pt. Characters should be written as curves so as not to create problems with fonts, while greyscale should be graded by 20%. Colours save in CMYK, not in RGB or other modes.
Vector graphics should be submitted in EPS format. Resolution should be set at 2540 dpi.

5.5 Photos and other raster graphics

Raster graphics should be submitted in TIFF or JPG (JPEG) formats.

Line art or black-and-white drawings should be scanned at maximum resolution of 600 or 800dpi for final size; photographs and other illustrative material should be scanned in greyscale or in colours at maximum resolution of 350dpi for final size.

Save colours in CMYK, not in RGB or other modes.

Privacy Statement

By submitting their articles or other contributions the authors and reviewers consent to collection and processing of their personal data (like name, surname and email address) which enable effective communication, editing and publication of articles or other contributions. 

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.