Archaeometric analysis of Alesia group broochesfrom sites in Slovenia


  • Žiga Šmit
  • Janka Istenič
  • Viktor Gerdun
  • Zoran Milić
  • Ana Mladenovič


brooches of the group Alesia; archaeometry; XRF;PIXE; SEM EDX


 The  methods  of  X-ray  fluorescence,  proton-induced  X-rayemission (PIXE) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) wereused for analysis of 18 brooches of the group Alesia from Sloveniansites. XRF served for an approximate determination of the alloycomposition.  For  the  analysis  with  PIXE,  up  to  seven  areaswere selected on each brooch. Basic alloy was determined inthe areas from which we removed the corrosion layer down tothe metal core; in the other areas we measured the corrodedsurfaces with an aim to detect tinning, silvering or other typeof plating. The scanning electron microscope was mainly usedfor  explanation  of  a  high  percentage  of  tin  at  the  surface  ofthe  brooch  No.5.It was found out that fourteen brooches were made of brass,one of gunmetal and three of bronze. The analysis showed fur-ther  that  some  of  the  brooches  (made  of  brass  and  bronze)were  tinned.


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How to Cite

Šmit, Žiga . ., Istenič, J. ., Gerdun, V. . ., Milić, Z. . ., & Mladenovič, A. . . (2005). Archaeometric analysis of Alesia group broochesfrom sites in Slovenia. Arheološki Vestnik, 56. Retrieved from



Roman period