Bronze Age pottery from Turjeva jama in the Nadiža Valley


  • Martina Knavs
  • Miha Mlinar


Turjeva jama; Bronze Age; pottery


The article discusses the Bronze Age pottery material fromthe site of Turjeva jama (= Turjeva Cave) in the Nadiža Rivervalley. The pottery fragments collected on the ground surfaceof  the  cave  were  donated  to  the  museum  in  Tolmin  by  Ale-ksander  Lavrenčič.The pottery was compared both with the material from nearbyBronze Age sites, as well as that from the distant site of Olorisnear Dolnji Lakoš, and numerous similarities in type and formwere  noted.  The  material  from  Turjeva  jama  can  be  assignedto the period between the 14th  and  11th  centuries  BC.


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How to Cite

Knavs, M. . ., & Mlinar, M. . . (2005). Bronze Age pottery from Turjeva jama in the Nadiža Valley. Arheološki Vestnik, 56. Retrieved from


