Results of computer tomography of the oldest suspected flute from Divje babe I(Slovenia): contribution to the theory of making holes in bones


  • Ivan Turk
  • Miran Pflaum
  • Dean Pekarovič


Divje babe I cave; Slovenia; Mousterian; ”flute”;multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT)


The suspected flute from the Mousterian site Divje babe Iin Slovenia was analysed with the aid of multi-slice computedtomography  (MSCT)  and  reinterpreted  in  the  light  of  twohypotheses, one of which envisages an artificial origin of theholes and the other a natural one. It was found that there werefour holes on the diaphysis; that at least two were made priorto the damage to the proximal and distal ends of the diaphy-sis; and that carnivores could not have made all the holes, butone  at  most.  The  holes  are  very  probably  artificial,  made  bythe combined use of stone and simple bone tools found at theDivje babe I site. The majority, and probably all the damagemade  by  carnivores  on  the  suspected  flute,  are  of  secondaryorigin. Conclusions about the origin of the holes cannot there-fore be reached only on the basis of the damage, and the hy-pothesis  of  an  artificial  origin  cannot  be  rejected.


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How to Cite

Turk, I. . ., Pflaum, M. . ., & Pekarovič, D. . . (2005). Results of computer tomography of the oldest suspected flute from Divje babe I(Slovenia): contribution to the theory of making holes in bones. Arheološki Vestnik, 56. Retrieved from


