
Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be sent via e-mail to: or

The journal accepts original unpublished scientific and technical articles in the field of Slovene linguistics, which are not under review for any other publication. The journal also accepts monograph reviews, collections and other linguistic works on the Slovene language.

Articles go through a double-blind review process. Authors are informed of review decisions within 8 weeks. Authors are expected to return corrections within 7 working days. 


Articles should be written in Slovene or English. By agreement, they may also appear in another language with the title, abstract and summary in Slovene and English. 


Articles should not exceed 18 double-spaced typewritten pages (30,000 characters including spaces). Book reviews should not exceed 20,000 characters including spaces. 

Format of submitted articles

.pdf and .docx (Microsoft Word) or .odt (OpenOffice)

The file with the contents of the PAPER should also contain (in the following order):

  • author’s name
  • author’s institution 
  • mailing address for offprints
  • author’s email address
  • title in Slovene and English. (This also applies to papers in other languages.)
  • abstract in Slovene and English  
  • 5 keywords in Slovene and English
  • contents of the article
  • bibliography 
  • summary in Slovene and English 

The file with the contents of a REVIEW should also contain (in the following order):

  • review author’s name
  • review author’s institution
  • mailing address for offprints
  • email address
  • title of the review in Slovene and English. (This also applies to papers in other languages.)
  • citation of the work under review
  • contents of the review
  • (bibliography)


  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial.
    If certain diacritics are not supported in either of these two fonts, characters from the input system ZRCola may be used, but the author should inform the editors. 
  • Paragraphs should be separated by an empty line (without right indent).
  • Quotations that are longer than 3 lines should be indented and in a smaller font.
  • Omissions in a quotation should be noted by ellipsis in square brackets […].
  • Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page.
  • The text should be justified on both sides of the page. The bibliography should be left justified with hanging indent of 0.63 cm.
  • Titles of independent publications, books and periodicals should be in italics (within the text and in the bibliography).

Illustrative material (tables, images, etc.)

Tables, graphs, images, photographs, maps, etc. should be subtitled as follows:

Image 1: Title of image

Table 1: Title of table

Illustrative material (other than tables and graphs) should be attached in a separate file. Their location in the text of the article should be noted. Images should be high quality and in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png., .svg, .ai. If the material is copyrighted or taken from other sources, including the internet, the author must acquire permission to use the material and properly cite the source. 

Transcription from non-Latin script 

  • Bibliographic entries in non-Latin script must be transcribed using Slovene/English transcription. The transcribed portion should be in square brackets [].
  • If the entire article is in a non-Latin script, the author’s first and last name as well as the title and subtitle of the article must be transcribed.


  • The bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order based on the first letter of the first author’s last name or based on the title if authors are not given.
  • If multiple works by the same author are listed, they should be ordered by the date of publication (earliest publications first).
  • If an author has multiple works in a single year, lowercase letters in alphabetical order are added: 2017a, 2017b. 
  • If they are available, URL and DOI should be included. 

Examples of bibliography formatting: 


Andersen, Henning. 1999. The Western South Slavic Contrast Sn. sah-ni-ti || sah-nu-ti. Slovenski jezik/Slovene Linguistic Studies 2: 47–62.

Jakop, Nataša. 2019. Izražanje spola v frazeologiji: samostalniški frazemi med slovarjem in korpusom. Slavistična revija, letn. 67, št. 2. 213–222.


Kenda-Jež, Karmen. 1999. Med narečjem in knjižnim jezikom. V: Z. Zorko, M. Koletnik (ur.). Logarjev zbornik: referati s 1. mednarodnega dialektološkega simpozija v Mariboru. Zora 8. Maribor: Slavistično društvo. 304–315.

Ahačič, Kozma idr. 2015. Fran: The Next Generation Slovenian Dictionary Portal. V: K. Gajdošová, A. Žáková (ur.). Proceedings of the 8th International Natural Language Processing, Corpus Linguistics, Lexicography Conference, 9–16. Na spletu: (31. 3. 2018).


Ahlin, Martin idr. 2019. Slovaropisna strukturiranost leksikalne sinonimije v SSS. V: J. Snoj. Leksikalna sinonimija v Sinonimnem slovarju slovenskega jezika. Lingua Slovenica 14. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 163– 94.


Bezlaj, France. 1967. Eseji o slovenskem jeziku. Ljubljana:  Mladinska knjiga.

Gostenčnik, Januška. 2018. Krajevni govori ob Čebranki in zgornji Kolpi. Linguistica et philologica 36. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.


Ježovnik, Janoš. 2019. Notranja glasovna in naglasna členjenost terskega narečja slovenskega jezika. Disertacija. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani.


Bezlaj, France. 1976–2007. Etimološki slovar slovenskega jezika 1–5. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga (1–3), Založba ZRC (4–5).

eSSKJ: slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 2016–. Na spletu: (3. 10. 2019).

Acceto, Matej idr. 2018. Pravni terminološki slovar. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.


Trudgill, Peter. 2000. Sociolonguistic. London: Penguin Books.


Svenšek, Ana. (2. 9. 2019). Prepreke in ovinki do prve slovenske univerze. MMC RTV SLO. Na spletu: (3. 10. 2019).

Ahačič, Kozma (2. 10. 2019). Miserere. Delo, leto 61, št. 227. Na spletu: (7. 10. 2019).

Peer Review Process

Submissions are accepted throughout the year. Authors are notified about publication decisions within two months. 

All published papers go through a blind peer-review process by two reviewers, one Slovenian and one non-Slovenian. Book reviews and opinion pieces are prepared by agreement with the editors. 

In the case of a negative review, a third referee is requested. In that circumstance the initial review process may take longer than two months. A paper must have at least two positive reviews in order to be published, and the author must incorporate the recommendations of the peer-review.

Open Access and Archiving Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to the full-text of articles at no cost on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. There is no Article Processing Fee charged to authors.

Digital copies of the journal are stored by the repository of ZRC SAZU and the digital department of Slovenian national library NUK, dLib.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors confirm that they are the authors of the submitting article, which will be published (print and online) in journal Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies by Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. Author’s name will be evident in the article in journal. All decisions regarding layout and distribution of the work are in hands of ZRC SAZU.

Authors guarantee that the work is their own original creation and does not infringe any statutory or common-law copyright or any proprietary right of any third party. In case of claims by third parties, authors commit their self to defend the interests of the publisher, and shall cover any potential costs.

Authors retain all copyright to the work published in this publication. The author licences to ZRC SAZU the right to publish, reproduce and distribute the article in ZRC SAZU's journal. Authors consent that ZRC SAZU is accorded the credit  of the original publisher in case of reuse of the article, and to make the article available to the public under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).  Articles from Volume 12 (2019) to Volume 14 (2022) are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Users can access and use all journal archives and individual articles published in them under the terms and conditions of this licenses. This does not apply to third-party materials published in the articles.

Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), providing they acknowledge the initial publication was made in this journal.

Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.