Constructions with high numerals: a comparison of slovene with other south slavic languages and russian
numerals, high numerals, quantifier phrases, agreement, government, Slavic languages, Slovene, Štokavian, BCMS, Russian, MacedonianAbstract
The article focuses on the distinctive features of Slovenian constructions involving cardinal numbers from 5 and up. Additionally, we draw attention to both similarities and differences when comparing them with their counterparts in Štokavian (BCMS), Macedonian, and Russian. The comparison of diverse constructions in Slavic languages illustrates a variety of syntactic relationships within quantitative phrases. We examine the constructions in the context of a predicative agreement, where the quantifier phrase assumes the role of the subject.
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- 2024-12-12 (2)
- 2024-12-11 (1)
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