Phoneme Frequencies in Slovene (Text vs. Dictionary)




Slovene, phoneme frequencies, repetition rate, frequency of vowels and consonants, statistical significance


In this paper Slovene phoneme frequencies from a Slovene–German learner’s dictionary are analysed. The structure of the dictionary allows the determination of phoneme frequencies on two distinct linguistic levels: the level of dictionary (analysis of headwords) and the level of text (example sentences, illustrating a prototypical context of a given headword). By applying various statistical significance tests it can be shown that no significant differences between the rank-frequency distributions are observable. The same holds true for testing the differences, based on the repetition rate of phoneme frequencies on the dictionary and text levels. In contrast to this, only dichotomised data (by grouping them into vowels and consonants) show a significantly different frequency behaviour. Overall it can be shown that based on the given empirical observations, the conceptual importance and relevance of the levels of dictionary vs. text for quantitative phoneme studies has to be reconsidered and critically reflected in future studies.


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2022-12-07 — Updated on 2023-03-27


How to Cite

Kelih, E., & Zörnig, P. (2023). Phoneme Frequencies in Slovene (Text vs. Dictionary). Slovenski Jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies, 14. (Original work published December 7, 2022)


