Natural Syntax: The state of affairs in 2017


  • Varja Cvetko Orešnik
  • Janez Orešnik



synchronic (morpho)syntax, diachronic (morpho)syntax, stylistic differences in (morpho)syntax, Slovenian, English


A small group of linguists in Slovenia investigate what they call Natural Syntax. This article is a report on the state of the art in 2017. The basics of Natural Syntax occupy the greater part of Section I, which also presents research in synchronic (morpho)syntax. Section II describes work in diachronic Natural Syntax. Section III illustrates how Natural Syntax treats stylistic differences.


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Andersen 1972 = Henning Andersen, Diphthongization, Language 48 (1972), 11–50.

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How to Cite

Cvetko Orešnik, V., & Orešnik, J. (2018). Natural Syntax: The state of affairs in 2017. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 23(2).