The tratment of accentuation doublets in the DSLL
Stress inflection is a component part of the Slovene verb inflection and its presentation starts from the relation between the infinitive, supine and present tense as the basic three dictionary forms. To these three basic forms - arranged on evidence of four present tense conjugations - two in stress symmetrical forms of the imperative and two of the descriptive participle are related. So both the forms of the imperative being placed immediately after the central present tense form (e. g. plesati - plésat - pleše - pleši - plešite resp. kresati -krêsat - krese - kresi - krešite) and the forms of the descriptive participle being placed after the present tense and imperative forms (e. g. mesiti - mésit - mési - mési - mesite - mésil - mesila resp. nositi - nôsit - nosi - nôsi - nosite - nosil - nosila) use to reflect symmetrically the stress of the first two basic forms, the infinitive and supine. Contrary to endings of the descriptive participle the active and the passive participle have adjectival endings, whereas the different inflection of perfective and imperfective verbal aspect in turn points to two independent paradigms.Downloads
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How to Cite
Nartnik, V. (2015). The tratment of accentuation doublets in the DSLL. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 2(1).
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