Prevajanje naslovov v šestnajstem stoletju


  • Francka Premk



The article demonstrates what a monumental enterprise the rendering of titles in the Bible was for the first Slovene translators. The comparative method allows to determine where J. Dalmatin translated titles of Bible chapters (MZ 1-5) in harmony with the original and where he left his personal imprint. The object of this paper is to demonstrate how the first Slovene writers P. Trubar and J. Dalmatin translated specific titles to the five books of Moses (Mz 1—5 /Dalmatin/) and the title-terms of the psalms (Trubar and Dalmatin) according to the Hebrew Bible (MP). In the study of the titles to Mz 1-5 a basic comparative method can be employed. It is relatively easy to ascertain the formal correspondences that these translations exhibit in comparison with its original: Dalmatin 's stylistic profile is only once individually oriented in front of the original. Further the following presentation enlightens why this modification (of form, not of meaning) is being done. Dalmatin 's individual choice represents his respect for the formal authority of strict original communication. The lexical forms ofpsalmic title-terms are difficult to explain even in the original andfrequently require descriptive equivalents in translations. Different types of lexical hebraisms (formal correspondence) and (in spite of the alternations in the forms) meaningful equivalences are evaluated within the framework of the whole Psalter. The original inscriptions and their paradigmatic linguistic model usually indicate the manner of singing and playing. In the first Slovenian translations the adapted title-terms and the psalms without inscription the orphanôs are usually appropriate (drawn up simultaneously and on the same manner) to the MP what indicates the translations made from the original. The musical question is dealt with in a different way by the Septuagint (LXX) and the Vulgate and these translations do not attribute always the psalms to the same author (chorus master) as the inscriptions in MP do.


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How to Cite

Premk, F. (2015). Prevajanje naslovov v šestnajstem stoletju. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 3(1).