Transitivity: Verbs with the Grammar Note »in the broad sense«


  • Andreja Žele



The article discusses the verbs labelled with the grammar note »in the broad sense« which is used in the Dictionary of the Slovene Literary Language. Judging from the labelled lexical units and their illustrative material it could be said that in most instances this grammar note (as well as the note »in the vague sense«) indicates transitivity. The use of this note is justified as long as the transitivity features of a given lexical item are studied carefully before labelling. Verbs, adjectives and nouns are key elements in transitive sentence patterns. Semantic and syntactic features of these elements throw light on the distinction between prepositions which are optionally combined with verbs, and prepositions as parts of multi-word verbs (and thus specifying individual meanings of a given lexical item with regard to transitivity).


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How to Cite

Žele, A. (2015). Transitivity: Verbs with the Grammar Note »in the broad sense«. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 4(1).