Prvi zvezek Atlasa narečij letonskega jezika (Latviešu valodas dialektu atlants -Leksika, Riga: Zinätne, 1999)


  • Vlado Nartnik



The first, i.e. the dictionary volume of the Atlas of Latvian dialects comprises an introduction, comments and a folder of maps. The introduction describes the history of the research in Latvian dialects and the making of the atlas. The core part consists of comments, thematic lists of maps, word-lists for individual languages, lists of collectors and informants, and describes the position of Latvian countries in the middle of the 19h century. The concise translations of the introduction in English and Russian provide additional help for non-Latvian users. The areas in which the descriptions of objects and phenomena - and their variants in the dialects - pertaining to flora, fauna, man, as well as his material and spiritual cultures occur are presented on the maps with coloured areas, symbols and isoglosses.


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How to Cite

Nartnik, V. (2015). Prvi zvezek Atlasa narečij letonskega jezika (Latviešu valodas dialektu atlants -Leksika, Riga: Zinätne, 1999). Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 6(1).