Phonological Description of the Local Speech of Radenci


  • Mihaela Koletnik



Radenci is no longer a point in the SLA net. In Ramovs's net it carried the numbers 279, 290 and 304 (Benedik 1999:109), but was left out as the net was rearranged. The analysis of the Slovenske gorice dialect (Koletnik 1999: 1-433) showed that Radenci is the easternmost point where the Slovenske gorice dialect, i.e. its eastern sub-dialect is spoken (in the neighbouring Petanjci the Prekmurje dialect is spoken, and in Kapelski Vrh and Hrastje Mota the Prlekija dialect). These are the reasons for presentation of the phonology of this local speech in the form of a phonological description.


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How to Cite

Koletnik, M. (2015). Phonological Description of the Local Speech of Radenci. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 6(1).