L. Olivovâ-Nezbedovâ, J. Maleninskâ: Slovnik pomistnich j men v Čechach (Uvodni svazek) Academia (Akademie vëd Češke republiky, Üstav pro jazyk cesky), Praga 2000, 169 str.
The article presents the Introductory Volume to the Dictionary of Microtoponyms in the Czech Republic (Slovnikpomistnich jmen v Čechach, Üvodni svazek) published in Prague by Academia in the year 2000. The Dictionary of Microtoponyms in the Czech Republic will include maps for the most frequent lexical units. It will comprise approximately 45,000 entries dealing with 500,000 microtoponyms collected between 1963 and 1980.Downloads
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How to Cite
Škofic, J. (2015). L. Olivovâ-Nezbedovâ, J. Maleninskâ: Slovnik pomistnich j men v Čechach (Uvodni svazek) Academia (Akademie vëd Češke republiky, Üstav pro jazyk cesky), Praga 2000, 169 str. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 7(1-2). https://doi.org/10.3986/jz.v7i1-2.2670
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