Slovenski nacionalni korpus idejni osnutek projekta
Vsenarodni korpus besedil v slovenskem jeziku je naloga, ki čaka na izvedbo že skoraj deset let (možna angleška prevoda sta Slovenian National Corpus in Bank of Slovenian).Downloads
JAKOPIN, P. (2000a)
BESEDA - a text corpus of Slovenian, Digital resources for Q the humanities, conference abstracts, University of Sheffield, 70-72.
KUČERA, H. & Winthrop, F. ( 1967), Computational Analysis of Present-Day Ame- or> rican English, Brown University Press, Providence, RI. q
MACLEOD, C, Ide, N., Grishman, R. (2000), The American National Corpus, Standardized Resources for American English, Proceedings of the Second Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Atene, 831-836.
SINCLAIR, J. (1992), Corpus, concordance, collocation, Oxford University Press, Oxford
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