Phonological Description of the Local Speech of Sv. Ana near Kremberk in the Slovenske gorice
The article brings a phonological description of the local speech of Sv. Ana near Kremberk in the Slovenske gorice. It is spoken in the westernmost area of the Slovenske gorice sub-dialect. In Ramovš š SLA grid the speech of Sv. Ana carried the number 295 (Benedik 1999: 109), but after the grid had been rearranged it was left out and the speech of the nearby hamlet Kremberk was included under the number 365 (Benedik 1999:113; Koletnik 1996:165-178). In Sv. Ana there was a historical border between Carinthia and Pannonia Inferior (Kovačič 1928: 27-28; Murko 1962: 343), the church of St. Ann was on the border between the ancient Jarenina and Radgona parishes (Kovačič 1928: 64), and today the line starting in Zgornja Velka in the north, running through Sv. Ana, Sv. Trojica and ending in Dvorjane divides the western and the easteren Slovenske gorice sub-dialects (Koletnik 1999: 370).Downloads
IVIČ, Pavle, 1981, (ur.), Fonološki opisiSarajevo, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine.
KOLETNIK, Mihaela, Fonološki opis voličinskega (SLA 366) in črešnjevskega (SLA 368) govora, Slavistična revija 47, Ljubljana 1999, št.l, 69-87.
KOLETNIK, Mihaela, Fonološki opis govora v Radencih, Jezikoslovni zapiski 6, Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 2000,155-165.
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