Words for semenj 'fair, žegnanje 'parochial feast on saints day' and blagoslov 'blessing in the SLA
The article presents various expressions for the notions of semenj fair' (SLA 182), zegnanje 'saint's day' - a parochial feast (SLA 210) and blagoslov 'blessing' (SLA 234) in the speeches covered by the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas. These expressions are tightly interwoven and therefore they are discussed together (with the corpus material presented in a table) for easier comparison. The method of linguistic geography is used to show the distribution of the above expressions in Slovenian dialects.Downloads
Arhiv = Listkovno in zvezkovno gradivo za Slovenski lingvistični atlas, vprašanja št. 182, 210 in 234. Arhiv Dialektološke sekcije Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.
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Pleteršnik 1894-1895 = Maks PLETERŠNIK, Slovensko-nemški slovar. Ljubljana, Knezoškofijstvo, 1894-1895.
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