Malina 'raspberry' and robidnica 'blackberry' in the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas


  • Jožica Škofic



The article presents variant lexemes for malina 'raspberry ' (SLA 415 A) and robidnica 'blackberry ' (SLA 415 B) from the speeches covered by the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas grid (SLA). The lexemes are analyzed in terms of etymology and word-formation, and the lexemes for robidnica are compared with lexemes in related, i.e. Slavic, and neighbouring non-Slavic languages comprised by the European Linguistic Atlas (ALE). Linguistic geography is also employed for the presentation of these lexemes - two maps show the areas in which individual lexemes denoting either of the plants or theirfruits occur in Slovenian dialects.


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Pleteršnik 1894-1895 = Maks Pleteršnik, Slovensko-nemški slovar, Knezoškofijstvo, Ljubljana 1894-1895.

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How to Cite

Škofic, J. (2015). Malina ’raspberry’ and robidnica ’blackberry’ in the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 8(1).