A slovenian orthographic reference book from the viewpoint of norm and regulation


  • Helena Dobrovoljc




The article discusses the features of the standard written language, i.e. its norms, and the orthographic norms which are not entirely identical to those of the standard language. Presented here are the individual features of both orthographic norms and regulations. The relationship between these norms and actual usage on the one hand, and the regulations as the final stage of setting norms on the other, should be transparently presented in a normative orthographic reference book. A reference book of this kind should positively reflect the features of orthographic regulations and function as an aid to stabilization and unification of orthographic norms.


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How to Cite

Dobrovoljc, H. (2015). A slovenian orthographic reference book from the viewpoint of norm and regulation. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/jz.v8i1.2633