Texts Accompanying Lexical and Word‑Formative Maps in Volume 1 of the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas for the Semantic Field ‘man’ (based on questions 617 teta and 618 ujna)


  • Vera Smole Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
  • Urška Petek




Texts accompanying maps are one of the essential, but also most variable, components of any linguistic atlas. Using examples of texts accompanying the maps for questions 617 teta and 618 ujna, this article proposes a structure for these texts for use in the first lexical and word‑formative volume of the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas dedicated to the semantic field ‘man’.


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How to Cite

Smole, V., & Petek, U. (2015). Texts Accompanying Lexical and Word‑Formative Maps in Volume 1 of the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas for the Semantic Field ‘man’ (based on questions 617 teta and 618 ujna). Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 13(1-2). https://doi.org/10.3986/jz.v13i1-2.2503