Slovenian Lexical Elements in Friulian along the Isonzo River: Derivatives


  • Mitja Skubic Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani



The author draws attention to several borrowed lexical elements in Friulian – specifically, several terms from Friulian as spoken along the Isonzo (Sln. Soča) River in which Slovenian lexical elements can be found, primarily from the Gorizia (Sln. Gorica) contact dialects along the Isonzo, in which Friulian morphological or word‑formative elements are used in derivation. The goal is to evaluate the incorporation of selected Slovenian words in the Friulian spoken along the Isonzo – that is, to determine to what extent Slovenian words became part of the Friulian contact dialect.


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How to Cite

Skubic, M. (2015). Slovenian Lexical Elements in Friulian along the Isonzo River: Derivatives. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 13(1-2).