Personal Names in the Names of Polish Lakes and Ponds


  • Urszula Bijak Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • Barbara Czopek‑Kopciuch Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN



This article discusses the names of ponds and lakes in Poland that are derived from first names. It analyzes 283 hydronyms from 76 Polish districts. Among these, 20 are of an older date – that is, attested between the 14th and 19th century – whereas the majority were first recorded in the 20th century. Their motivational base is formed by male and female, mostly Christian, names, whereas a small number are created from old Polish names in their basic and often diminutive forms. The majority of hydronyms were created from the names of landowners, while a smaller proportion are commemorative. Among the latter, names with a literary origin motivated by historical characters and saints are evident. Among desubstantival hydronyms, names formed through transonymization predominate. A large group is formed by compounds with differential segments, whereas only a small number of names are formed through pluralization.


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Materiał z komputerowej bazy nazw wodnych w Pracowni Toponomastycznej Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN w Krakowie (grant nr 1H01D01029).

Rymut, Kazimierz, Nazwy wodne (w:) Słowiańska encyklopedia, t. II, Kraków 2003, s. 230.

Cieślikowa, Aleksandra, Wolnicz‑Pawłowska, Ewa, Krótka charakterystyka hydronimii polskiej (w:) Nazewnictwo geograficzne Polski, t. I: Hydronimy, Cz. I: Wody płynące, źródła, wodospady, Warszawa 2006, s. VIII.



How to Cite

Bijak, U., & Czopek‑Kopciuch, B. (2015). Personal Names in the Names of Polish Lakes and Ponds. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 13(1-2).