Phraseology in the Prose of Ciril Kosmač
This article analyzes phraseology by grammatical category and encompasses all of Ciril Kosmač’s prose work, created in the course of nearly half a century. The phrases are authentic with regard to the time and environment described, as well as the circumstances. Kosmač writes in an elevated style. His portrayals of the Slovenian countryside are especially beautiful: his colorful writing depicts the flowers and blades of grass that typify the environment of people aware of their Slovenian heritage.Downloads
Bojc 1980 = Etbin Bojc, Pregovori in reki na Slovenskem, Ljubljana, 1980.
Matešić 1982 = Josip Matešić, Frazeološki rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskog jezika, Zagreb, 1982.
Menac 1978 = Neka pitanja u vezi sa klasifikacijom frazeologije, Filologija 8, 1978, 219–226.
Korač idr. 1979–1980 = Tatjana Korač idr., Rusko-hrvatski ili srpski frazeološki rječnik, Zagreb, 1979–1980.
Menac 2007 = Antica Menac, Hrvatska frazeologija, Zagreb, 2007.
Popović 1980 = Milenko Popović, O frazemu i zamjenljivosti njegovih elemenata, v: Iz frazeološke problematike, Zagreb, 1980, 47–55.
Prek 1986 = Stanko Prek, Ljudska modrost, Ljubljana, 1986.
Rojzenzon 1973 = L. I. Rojzenzon, Lekcii po obščej i russkoj frazeologii, Samarkand, 1973.
Simeon 1969 = Rikard Simeon, Enciklopedijski rječnik lingvističnih naziva 1, Zagreb, 1969.
SSKJ 1–5 = Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 1–5, Ljubljana, 1970–1991.
Toporišič 1973/74 = Jože Toporišič, K izrazju in tipologiji slovenske frazeologije, Jezik in slovstvo 1973/74, št. 8, 273–279.
Toporišič 2000 = Jože Toporišič, Slovenska slovnica, Maribor, 2000.
Žukov 1982 = V. P. Žukov, Russkaja frazeologija, Moskva, 1982.
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