The Section on “Etymology” (Inflectional and Derivational Morphology) in Three Slovenian Grammars (1715, 1755, 1758)


  • Kozma Ahačič Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU



This article examines the section on inflectional and derivational morphology (“etymology”) in three reworkings of Adam Bohorič’s grammar: the version by Hippolytus Rudolphowertensis from 1715, the manuscript version from 1755, and the Klagenfurt version from 1758. The analysis shows that the changes in all three reworkings are not only significant, but the omissions and additions in these grammars offer an interesting insight into grammarians’ thought at that time. Among the added parts, especially noticeable is Hippolytus’ section on irregular verbs and, among other changes, the section on derived proper nouns in all three grammars and inconsistencies in translating the text from Latin into German in the Klagenfurt version of 1758.


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How to Cite

Ahačič, K. (2015). The Section on “Etymology” (Inflectional and Derivational Morphology) in Three Slovenian Grammars (1715, 1755, 1758). Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 15(1-2).