New Achievements in Slovenian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography


  • Tatjana I. Vendina



Slovenski lingvistični atlas, Slovenian dialectology, linguistic geography


This article analyzes the first volume of the Slovenski lingvistični atlas (Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA), 2011). In addition to its very positive evaluation of the teamwork of Slovenian dialectologists, it highlights in particular the systematic approach to the selection and cartographic presentation of material. As a result, the differentiation of Slovenian dialects is presented on the atlas maps in all of its systemic complexity. In examining the scholarly value of the work, it must be emphasized that it presents a panorama of Slovenian dialects in the full richness of their lexical diversity. This new and fresh material is the main achievement of the atlas.


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How to Cite

Vendina, T. I. (2015). New Achievements in Slovenian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography. Jezikoslovni Zapiski, 19(2).