Word-formation challenges in dialectology studies: Slovenian Linguistic Atlas, volume 1, and Semantic-Derivational Dictionary, volumes 1 and 2
dialectology, word formation, semantics, word family, dictionaryAbstract
The selection of related lexemes connected with ‘man’ is a contact point for works such as the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas, volume 1 (SLA 1) and the Serbian Semantic-Derivational Dictionary (SDR), volumes 1 and 2, even though they have a completely different design. This comparison may prove useful for future work on the SLA in terms of selecting lexemes; in addition, it provides word-formation challenges to Slovenian dialectology research, which on the one hand proceeds from the model of the word-family structure of the Serbian SDR, and on the other from the potential offered for this type of approach by the dialectology material already collected in the SLA.Downloads
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