Forest and scrub communities with green alder (Alnus viridis) in Slovenia


  • Igor Dakskobler Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin, Slovenia
  • Andrej Rozman Biotechnical Faculty of the University in Ljubljana, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Andrej Seliškar Grobeljska cesta 6 b, 1234 Mengeš, Slovenia


phytosociology, synsystematics, Alnetum viridis, Rhododendro hirsuti-Alnetum viridis, Huperzio selagi- Alnetum viridis, Alno viridis-Sorbetum aucupariae, the Julian Alps, the Karavanke Mountains, the Smrekovec Mountains.


This paper provides phytosociological tables that describe scrub and forest communities with Alnus viridis in the Slovenian Alps. We described three new associations: Rhododendro hirsuti-Alnetum viridis (a green alder community on calcareous bedrock in the Eastern and Southeastern Alps), Huperzio selagi-Alnetum viridis (a green alder community in the silicate rocks under Mt. Komen in the eastern Savinja Alps) and Alno viridis-Sorbetum aucupariae (a successional stage of mountain ash and green alder on potential beech sites in the foothills of the southern Julian Alps; similar stages are known also elsewhere in the Alps), and presented additional three associations (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum, Rhodothamno-Laricetum and Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum mugo) whose stands comprise green alder.


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How to Cite

Dakskobler, I., Rozman, A., & Seliškar, A. (2015). Forest and scrub communities with green alder (Alnus viridis) in Slovenia. Hacquetia, 12(2). Retrieved from




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