Giovanni Battista Cocciola’s Activity in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and his Concerto Ave mundi spes Maria from the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus


  • Aleksandra Patalas Jagiellonian University, Kraków



church concerto, Giovanni Battista Cocciola, music in Poland, music in Lithuania, seventeenth-century music


Giovanni Battista Cocciola was one of the seventeenth-century Italian composers active for a period in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. His musical legacy, only partially preserved and unknown to the international musicological literature, comprises motets, church concertos, canzonettas and masses. Cocciola is also the author of one concerto included in the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus.


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Early Prints

Cocciola, Giovanni Battista. Concentus harmonici ecclesiastici. Antwerp: Pierre Phalèse, 1625. RISM C 3251, CC 3251.

Bonometti, Giovanni Battista, ed. Parnassus musicus Ferdinandaeus. Venice: Giacomo Vincenti, 1615. RISM 161513.

Donfrid, Johann, ed. Promptuarii musici, concentus ecclesiasticos […] Pars III. Strasbourg: Paul Ledertz, 1627. RISM 16271.

Vincenti, Alessandro. Indice di tutte le opere di musica che si trovano nella Stampa della Pigna. Venice: Alessandro Vincenti, 1619.


Antonicek, Theophil, ed. Parnassus musicus Ferdinandeus herausgegeben von Giovanni Battista Bonometti (1615). Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 159. Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 2015.

Bieńkowska, Irena. “Concerti Ecclesiastici by Giovanni Battista Cocciola in the Light of the Seconda Prattica”. Inside the Music (online scientific platform).

———. “Muzyka Giovanniego Battisty Coccioli”. 2 vols. PhD diss., Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1999.

———. “Religious Works of Giovanni Battista Cocciola (16th/17th Century): The Topography of Sources”. In Musical Culture of the Bohemian Lands and Central Europe before 1620, edited by Lenka Hlávková and Jiří K. Kroupa, 309–321. Prague: Konias Latin Press, 2011.

———. “The Polychoral Works of G. B. Coccciola from the Pelplin Tabulature within the Context of the Stylistic Changes of the Epoch”. In Musica Baltica, Im Umkreis des Wandels – von den cori spezzati zum konzertierenden Stil, edited by Janusz Krassowski et al., 45–60. Gdańsk: Akademia Muzyczna, 2004.

———. “Ukształtowania drobnoodcinkowe w małogłosowych kompozycjach religijnych Giovanniego Battisty Coccioli”. In Complexus effectuum musicologiae studia Miroslao Perz septuagenario dedicata, edited by Tomasz Jeż, 373–383. Cracow: Rabid, 2003.

Cocciola, Giovanni Battista. Dzieła zebrane, edited by Irena Bieńkowska. Warsaw: BelStudio, 2004.

Gerber, Ernst Ludwig. Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler. Vol. 1. Leipzig: Breitkopf, 1790.

Göhler, Karl Albert. “Die Messkataloge im Dienste der musikalischen Geschichtsforschung”. Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft 3, no. 2 (1902): 294–376.

Guillo, Laurent. “La bibliothèque de musique des Ballard d’après l’inventaire de 1750 et les notes de Sébastien de Brossard (Seconde partie)”. Revue de musicologie 91, no. 1 (2005): 195–232.

Osostowicz-Sutkowska, Alina. “G. B. Cocciola e l’intavolatura di Pelplin”. Rivista Italiana di Musicologia 5 (1970): 61–72.

———. “Twórczość Giovanniego Battisty Coccioli w świetle Tabulatury Pelplińskiej”. Master’s thesis, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1963.

Patalas, Aleksandra. “Asprilio Pacelli in Poland: Compositions, Techniques, Reception”. In Italian music in Central-Eastern Europe: Around Mikołaj Zieleński’s “Offertoria” and “Communiones” (1611), edited by Tomasz Jeż, Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska and Marina Toffetti, 235–260. Venice: Edizioni Fondazione Levi, 2015.

Praetorius, Michael. Syntagma Musicum. Vol. 3. Wolfenbüttel: Michael Praetorius, Elias Holwein, 1619.

Sutkowski, Adam, and Alina Osostowicz-Sutkowska, eds. The Pelplin Tablature. 10 vols. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt; Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers, 1963.




How to Cite

Patalas, A. (2017). Giovanni Battista Cocciola’s Activity in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and his Concerto Ave mundi spes Maria from the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus. De Musica Disserenda, 13(1-2), 135–145.


