Diabolus in memoria: Observations Regarding the use of the Tritone in Debussy’s Endings


  • Andrea Malvano




tritone, musical reminiscence, Claude Debussy, memory processes


In the first decade of the twentieth century Debussy experimented with different uses of the tritone in harmony and melody. The endings of his instrumental compositions exhibit a tritonization of thematic material aimed at stimulating a comparison between past and present. In contrast to other French composers, Debussy prefers latent musical reminiscences to explicit connections, in order to slip under the listener’s conscious perception.


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Author Biography

Andrea Malvano

Università degli studi di Torino


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How to Cite

Malvano, A. (2020). Diabolus in memoria: Observations Regarding the use of the Tritone in Debussy’s Endings. De Musica Disserenda, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/dmd16.2.03


