Imported Music Scores in the Possession of the Gozze Family in Dubrovnik


  • Vjera Katalinić Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts



Dubrovnik, catalogue of music sources, Friars Minor, Gozze family, music copyists, music publishers, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries


The noble Gozze family in Dubrovnik maintained a respectable collection of musical material dating mostly from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It has been partly preserved in the music collection of the Monastery of the Friars Minors in Dubrovnik, forming part of the material dating from the time of the Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) kept there since the mid-nineteenth century. There is also a booklet – actually a catalogue – listing their musical material. On the basis of its notes on this music collection, a link between the catalogue and the material can be established. The prints and manuscripts were mostly purchased from abroad, and these provide various kinds of information on their origin, the context of their performance etc., thereby illustrating the taste of their owners.


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How to Cite

Katalinić, V. (2015). Imported Music Scores in the Possession of the Gozze Family in Dubrovnik. De Musica Disserenda, 11(1-2), 197–209.


