“Gallus apud Belgas:” The Douai Moralia (1603) Reconsidered


  • Marc Desmet Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne




Douai, Jacobus Handl-Gallus, Georgius Handl, Alexander Philipp Dietrich, Jean Bogard


The collection of Moralia (Nuremberg, 1596) is the only volume of Handl’s music to have been republished shortly after the composer’s lifetime, and this in Douai, a city very distant from the Central European area where Handl’s music was most widely circulated. The nature of the new print is discussed in relation to the editio princeps.


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How to Cite

Desmet, M. (2015). “Gallus apud Belgas:” The Douai Moralia (1603) Reconsidered. De Musica Disserenda, 11(1-2), 67–86. https://doi.org/10.3986/dmd11.1-2.05


