Historical musical instruments in performance practice: possibilities and perspectives in Slovene music culture


  • Darja Koter Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo




collections of instruments, historical instruments, historical performance practice


The interpretation and performance of early music are closely related to the research of historical performance practices, the preservation of historical musical instruments, activities / endeavours of specialized ensembles and education. This area of research in Slovenia is largely led by museum collections of musical instruments, national programmes for the revitalization of cultural heritage and some cultural and educational institutions. It is therefore essential to consider examples of good practice and to develop new opportunities regarding collections of musical instruments in Slovene museums, early music festivals and music education.


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Author Biography

Darja Koter, Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo

Darja Koter, doktorica muzikoloških znanosti, profesorica na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani


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How to Cite

Koter, D. (2015). Historical musical instruments in performance practice: possibilities and perspectives in Slovene music culture. De Musica Disserenda, 10(2), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.3986/dmd10.2.01


