Savus and Adsalluta


  • Marjeta Šašel Kos


Ali the epigraphic evidence for the cult of Adsalluta and Savus is collected in the article. Most of the votive monuments vvere discovered at the site of Sava opposite the rail way station of Hrastnik, vvhereas the exact provenance of those presently at Šentjur na Polju near Loka by Zidani most, at Radeče, and at Hrastnik is not entirely clear. Adsalluta and Savus vvere important vvater deities; Savus vvas vvorshipped at several places along the river Sava, vvhile the cult of Adsalluta vvas locally limited merely to the region of rapids betvveen the village of Sava and Radeče, to the cult site on the bank of the Sava, her hypothesized sacred grove and the hamlet near her sanctuary. It cannot be excluded that this sacred area could have been some kind of pilgrimage site for the local inhabitants. Mainly, hovvever, the goddess vvatched over the safe passage of the frequent travellers, for in prehistory, the Roman period and up to the building of the southern railway, such vvater routes vvere utilized for the transport of the most varied cargoes to a much greater extent than today.


Author Biography

Marjeta Šašel Kos

Inštitut za arheologijo
Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU
Gosposka 13
SI-61000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Šašel Kos, M. (1994). Savus and Adsalluta. Arheološki Vestnik, 45(1). Retrieved from



Roman period