Zgodnjerimsko naselje pod Grajskim gričem v Ljubljani. Gornji trg 15


  • Boris Vičič


In 1990 we carried out rescue excavations in ground floor of the house at Gornji trg 15 in Ljubljana. The following were discovered during this: a partly preserved sarcophagues, three inhumation graves (one with a triple burial) and two cremation graves. The cremation graves are dated to the 2nd Century AD, whilst the inhumations and the sarcophagucs (all without grave goods) date to the Late Roman period. An Early Roman house, which is dated from the late Augustean period (perhaps from the last decade BC to the third decade AD), was also partly excavated.


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Author Biography

Boris Vičič

Ljubljanski regionalni zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine
Tržaška 4
SI-6000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Vičič, B. (1993). Zgodnjerimsko naselje pod Grajskim gričem v Ljubljani. Gornji trg 15. Arheološki Vestnik, 44(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/8978



Roman period