Archaologisch-historische Ergebnisse im Lichte der letzten Ausgrabungen in St. Peter in Holz/Teurnia und auf dem Hemmaberg/Iuenna


  • Franz Glaser


The author presents the latest results from the excavation at the churches of St. Hema and St. Peter in Holz (Teumia). The site at St. Hema is seen as being of particular importance because of the discovery of the fourth and fifth churches. Finds have been interpreted as being aryan cult objects, dating from the Teoderic period. The second part of the article is devoted to a discussion of the problematic vvall paintings from the second period of the bishop's cathedral and about the inscription of a mosaic donor from the south chapel of the cemetery church at Teumia.


Author Biography

Franz Glaser

Landesmuseum ftlr Kiirnten
Museumgasse 2
A-9021 Klagenfurt



How to Cite

Glaser, F. (1994). Archaologisch-historische Ergebnisse im Lichte der letzten Ausgrabungen in St. Peter in Holz/Teurnia und auf dem Hemmaberg/Iuenna. Arheološki Vestnik, 45(1). Retrieved from



Simpozij o poznoantičnih višinskih utrdbah (Regensburg, 19. - 20. oktober 1993)