Roman Pottery from Ajdovščina near Rodik


  • Verena Vidrih Perko


This article contains an analysis of the pottery finds f r om systematic archaeological excavations in 1993 and a field survey carried out in August 1995. The early Roman material includes pottery with black slips, thin-walled pottery, Po valley sigillata, and forms of early Italic amphorae and grey cooking vessels in an evident prehistoric tradition. African sigillata is well represented among the late pottery, and amphorae are also common. The table ware is mostly of local production and frequently imitates the forms of the sigillata. Judging from the Late Roman imported pottery from the North African province, the settlement was well supplied with food from north African sources, from which the annona - a tax in foodstuffs - was paid.


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Author Biography

Verena Vidrih Perko

Mestni muzej Ljubljana
Gosposka 15
SI-1000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Vidrih Perko, V. (1997). Roman Pottery from Ajdovščina near Rodik. Arheološki Vestnik, 48(1). Retrieved from



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