Svete Gore above Bistrica ob Sotli in Late Roman Period


  • Paola Korošec


The phase of the 4th and 5th centuries at the important late Roman and Slavic site of Svete Gore above Bistrica on the Sotla River is discussed in this article. The author presents fragmentary material that she considers to represent the remains of a small destroyed cemetery on a slope of the hill. In addition to several bronze objects, fragments of imported fine pottery are particularly important. Part of a defensive wall and a walled structure on the steep southern slope can be classified to the late Roman period. A defensive tower could have been located on the eastern side of the upper terrace. The settlement of the top terrace is shown by remains of a wall discovered next to the present-day church. The archaeological remains indicate the existence of a post within the complex of a local defensive system.


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Author Biography

Paola Korošec

Resljeva 3
SI-1000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Korošec, P. (1997). Svete Gore above Bistrica ob Sotli in Late Roman Period . Arheološki Vestnik, 48(1). Retrieved from



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