Iz materialne kulture k vprašanjem verstva in premožnosti na slovenskem ozemlju ob koncu 4. st.


  • Iva Mikl Curk


Material from the cemetery was primarily used for a possible interpretation of religious allegiances. Grave goods at this site primarily include vessels for beverages, food, and perfume, as well as coinage and clay lamps. Vessels for beverages, perfumes, and oil are part of the symbolism that organically spilled into Christianity, and according to the author they would not necessarily refer to religious orientation, the grave goods of coinage and cooked food being a remnant of the earlier paganism, and proportionally exceptionally rare. An animated current of information and goods was still important in terms of the material position in society. The gap between wealthy strata had not changed in comparison with the earlier Roman period, and seemingly the stages of wealth are less numerous and more consistent internally.


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Author Biography

Iva Mikl Curk

Zavod RS za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine
Plečnikov trg 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Mikl Curk, I. (1997). Iz materialne kulture k vprašanjem verstva in premožnosti na slovenskem ozemlju ob koncu 4. st. Arheološki Vestnik, 48(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/8893



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