Ajdovščina - Castra. Stanje arheoloških raziskav (1994)


  • Nada Osmuk


The author presents results of research into the fortification of Castra. A plan of the walls with 14 towers has been established through this research, with another two possible towers at the entrance. The construction of the wall is dated to the 270s. The building in the southern part of Castra is interpreted as an administrative or military structure with sections for storage. Adjacent to it was a dwelling structure with subsequently added thermae. The western cemetery was partially excavated, with twentytwo graves where cremation and skeleton graves from the 4th century were found.


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Author Biography

Nada Osmuk

Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine
Delpinova 16
SI-5100 Nova Gorica



How to Cite

Osmuk, N. (1997). Ajdovščina - Castra. Stanje arheoloških raziskav (1994). Arheološki Vestnik, 48(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/av/article/view/8889



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