Novi in revidirani rimski napisi v Sloveniji


  • Milan Lovenjak


The article deals with the new Roman inscriptions found in the area of Slovenia and some already familiar inscriptions which have not to date been correctly read. A tombstone with the inscription destroyed, a votive altar to the Great Mother of the Gods and a fragment of a tombstone, originate from the Celje region; from the area of Emona part of an offering to a so far unattested divinity and a grave stele of Ig type with a damaged inscription; other finds are from the area of Neviodunum. In the latter administrative area were newly discovered two grave stelae, two fragments of tombstone inscriptions, part of the relief field of a tombstone, and two tombstones of Celtic inhabitants. From Neviodunum originate also the votive offering of a customs official and side panels of a presumate votive altar with relief decoration, and from its cemetery, two relief depictions of the funerary genii and a relief with a dolphin. Two grave inscriptions already known from the Neviodunum administrative region are reedited and commented.


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Author Biography

Milan Lovenjak

Oddelek za arheologijo
Filozofska fakulteta
Aškerčeva 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana



How to Cite

Lovenjak, M. (1997). Novi in revidirani rimski napisi v Sloveniji. Arheološki Vestnik, 48(1). Retrieved from