Ergebnisse petrographischer Untersuchungen von Mortelproben aus dem friihchristlichen Pilgerheiligtum und der spatantiken Siedlung vom Hemmaberg/Karnten


  • Sabine Ladstatter
  • Roman Sauer


The article contains results of petrographical analyses on 21 mortar samples of the early christian pilgrim centre and the late roman settlement on the Hemmaberg in Carinthia (Fig. 1-3). Supplementary sand samples in the area of Globasnitz, the roman vicus Iuenna, were collected (Fig. 6). The thinsection and heavy mineral analyses proof, that the raw material sources were situated in Globasnitz and not as expected on the hill (Fig. 4, 5, 7). While most of the samples are very similar (mortar types B, D, E), some of them are characterized by differences (mortar types A, C, F). In addition to the archaeological and historical arguments also the results of petrographical analyses emphasize the chronological equality of the double churches and the pilgrim houses (samples 2-14; 16-18; 20-21). Different are the mortars of the elder church (sample 1), of the terracewall (sample 15) and of the tubuli in house Q (sample 19).


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Author Biographies

Sabine Ladstatter

Forschungsstelle Archaologie
Osterr. Akademie der Wissenschaften
Postgasse 7/4/1
A-1010 Wien

Roman Sauer

Institut fur Silikatchemie und Archaometrie
Hochschule fiir Angewandte Kunst
Salzgries 14/1
A-1010 Wien



How to Cite

Ladstatter, S., & Sauer, R. (1998). Ergebnisse petrographischer Untersuchungen von Mortelproben aus dem friihchristlichen Pilgerheiligtum und der spatantiken Siedlung vom Hemmaberg/Karnten. Arheološki Vestnik, 49. Retrieved from



Late Roman Period