Settlement in Bela krajina in the first half of the 1st millennium BC in the light of new research
Slovenia, Bela krajina, Črnomelj, Dragatuš, Mali Nerajec, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, settlement, LiDARAbstract
The paper examines the impact of recent archaeological research on our understanding of the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age landscape and settlement in Bela krajina (south-eastern Slovenia). It deals with a range of approaches, especially pedological and radiocarbon analysis, within an excavation context, and LiDAR, which offer the potential to reveal new evidence of earlier activity in the heavily forested uplands and lowland karst landscape in the region, as well as opening new perspectives on known sites and complexes.
Particular attention will be paid to the role of these approaches within archaeological research on infrastructure projects such as those within Črnomelj historic town centre (1995–2008), the Črnomelj Western Bypass (2004–2009) and the Dragatuško polje (2000–2019). The application of the above methods and the analysis of Airborne LiDAR has served to reveal unsuspected patterns, types and details of LBA/EIA settlement and land use in Črnomelj and its immediate hinterland, and above all in the Dragatuško polje.
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