A hoard of solidi from a hypogeum at the Viminacium necropolis – Pećine (Serbia)





Viminacium, Pećine necropolis, Roman Empire, coin hoard, hypogeum


During more recent rescue archaeological investigations of the southern necropolises of Viminacium, in 2016, at the necropolis of Pećine, a hoard of seven solidi was discovered in one of the investigated monumental tombs (G 5868). The hoard contains coins of Honorius and Theodosius II, ranging from 403/408–430/440. Within the memoria, which was unfortunately robbed as far back as Antiquity, besides the hoard, an additional 23 coins, ranging from Alexander Severus (222–235) to the beginning of the 5th century, were also discovered. Rescue investigations in the area of the southern necropolises have been conducted, with interruptions, since the late 1970s and, over the course of four decades, this is merely the second discovery of gold coins, not only at the southern necropolis, but also at other investigated ones.


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Author Biographies

Mirjana Vojvoda

Arheološki institut Beograd
Knez Mihajlova 35/IV
RS-11000 Beograd 

Saša Redžić

Arheološki institut Beograd
Knez Mihajlova 35/IV
RS-11000 Beograd


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How to Cite

Vojvoda, M., & Redžić S. (2020). A hoard of solidi from a hypogeum at the Viminacium necropolis – Pećine (Serbia). Arheološki Vestnik, 71. https://doi.org/10.3986/AV.71.06



Roman period