Bronze Age amber in Western and Central Balkans




Balkans, Bronze Age, amber, jewellery, exchange, trade, correspondence analysis, network analysis


he paper touches upon the issue of amber inflow to Western and Central Balkans, and its circulation between individual regions situated in this zone, during the Bronze Age (more specifically around 1600–900 BC). By using several computational methods, currently available data related to this topic is re-analysed. Previously distinguished types of amber beads show chronological differentiation that allows separating them into two major assemblages assignable to the Middle and Late Bronze Age respectively, with some forms having a prolonged use, overlapping both periods. Many types are also characterized by specific patterns of distribution, potentially revealing local styles of amber processing. The types are further compared with amber artefacts from neighbouring zones of amber acquisition. Supplementing the considerations with selected artefacts co-occurring with amber sheds a light on internal dynamics of amber circulation, and points the potential exchange participants.


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Author Biography

Mateusz Cwaliński

Archaeology Department
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań Collegium Historicum
ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 7
PL-61-614 Poznań


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How to Cite

Cwaliński M. (2020). Bronze Age amber in Western and Central Balkans. Arheološki Vestnik, 71.


